How It Works

What makes us different from many other commonly-used weight loss programs is that we are professionally managed by a physician who is experienced in weight loss counseling and the proper usage of weight loss medication.

We help you find the right plan to reach your goals. We stress healthy weight loss and prescribe FDA approved  medications combined with healthy eating habits and exercise. Weight loss counseling is safe, effective and long-lasting. We can help you make the lifestyle changes necessary to lose weight the safe and effective way. We teach you how to change your habits and still live a normal life. That includes teaching you how to cook in your own home with healthy, nutritious food, and how to eat out without sacrificing all of your hard work. You won’t be limited to certain foods, so there isn’t any deprivation involved with our programs. No supplements or special food purchases are necessary.

Never leave your health, diet, or nutrition in the hands of someone who isn’t qualified to treat you. Our physician will see you personally. We are ready to help you change your life !